Struggling with Teenagers and Mess: How Can I Get My Kids to Clean Up After Themselves?

@manonfire6640 I hadn’t seen that comment, there’s hundreds on this post and like I said earlier I don’t agree with the hair cutting
What I will say being a parent to adult children is that parenting teenagers is tough, its not as simple as sitting down and talking to them because sometimes they simply don’t listen and don’t care about the usual run of the mill punishments
I also haven’t seen anywhere on this thread where the op has said she had been harsh with her 9 year old sen child but if I’ve also missed that I stand corrected
@pastorjeremylove Of course, no one is saying parenting teenagers is a breeze, but OP has explained a lot more to this within comments, including saying that she has nearly lost her children twice to social services. These really aren’t the kinds of suggestions she needs, I think she needs a whole family intervention and sit down to discuss rules and boundaries.
@xlaurax can I just say please ignore all the negativity here! I don't believe for one second you are an abusive parent, but had got to the end of your tether! And that word is key - parent, not "friend", not "BFF" - while they're in your house, disrespecting your property and your rules then you enforce said rules and you did.
Maybe drastic, but hey - bet it worked because you carried it through xxxx
@manonfire6640 truth is in the eye of the beholder. I don't believe I abused her, my daughter certainly doesn't. Each to their own. Leeanne I think it's time to just move on to another post. You've said your piece.
This used to be me. And it still is some days. I just learnt to ask them. Nicely. I either write a list of 4 lots of jobs that will help but are quick and last to pick gets the worst or I do this thing where when it gets to messy I just shout 15 minute clean up. The rule is I can only shout this once a day. But they have to answer. If they don't help they will double the time. 15 minutes out of 24 hours. If they can't give you that, set up a tent and a bucket in the garden. I also learnt when I hear someone in the kitchen I give a quick, hope you tidy your mess so I don't have to lose my shit.
However, prior to this, I've put locks on the fridge and freezer, left the very basic food for them, I've removed WiFi boxes, chargers, disconnected their phones that I pay for, I've hidden 1 shoe so they spend ages looking for it. But like I said, I just ask them now.
FYI my house is still a mess. But there is a level of respect from all of them.
Sorry I'm not much help but believe me I know where you're coming from and unfortunately it doesn't get any better even into their 20's 😭
At 18 you can tell them to buck up or move out. I've got 8 kids and I've tried rewarding with money, bribing with money, withholding money. Shouting, grounding, removing consoles, depriving of Internet. Begging, crying, talking, reasoning. Pretty much tried everything. The only thing that worked is waiting for them to move out.