Hugs xxx Anything they use, just bag up and put in their bedrooms. Get a load of disposable plates ( I know it's not great for the environment, sorry folks) dish their food up on them so there's not so much to wash up when you need to. Personally, I would have a family meeting, give everyone a sheet of paper, get each person to write down what makes them happy, unhappy, what they want most out of life (you and partner included) then pass the paper onto the person sitting next to you.... then write down what you love about the person who's paper you've got and what makes you sad about that person, then pass it on... write down experiences you'd like to have, places you'd like to go together, that kind of thing. My husband found this really useful as he didn't realise at the time, why there was so much tension in the house, the children felt they could write stuff down easier than saying it to his face. Maybe your children need to know from you, just how much this is getting you down. Sometimes as Mums especially if we have health issues, we lose our sh*t and don't say things in a calm way, we react because we're hurting and wish that our family treated us with more respect, we want them to be proud of who they are and to be proud and appreciate you too! None of this parenting malarky is easy, I really hope you find a solution in all the replies, good luck and sending love x