My Son Is Being Bullied and School Isn't Helping – Seeking Advice on Next Steps

Contact your dept of education if the school won't do anything but your first port of call must be the head and class teachers. Good luck and don't be fobbed off
I pulled my son out strate away...mentle health comes first you DO NOT get into trouble for safeguarding your son.....took me 5 months with our usless sen department in the council to sort out the new school but only because there was a usless person dealing with Nicholas Catholic High school is known as a naughty boys school i for one did not know this at the time...they protect the bullies as its safer for them to be at school than there home environment....I finally got someone to take over the case and he was in school with in two weeks....brilliant new school! also email the old school and Tell them don't ask to deregister him from the school that was they can't request in EHCP money for nothing if he's not there....hope your little man's OK xx
Tell the school you are contact the school of governors and the education people in your area. If nothing is done then go to papers. They won't want the bad publicity. Hopefully your son will be happy going to school then. Good luck xx
It winds me up that schools claim to deal with bullying, but obviously don’t. My granddaughter has been picked on and was told not to use tears when she got upset, as the person who said this favoured the other child. Hope you get some resolution, it’s heartbreaking when you’re child is so
Mine was a bit older but when I kept her off school (she refused to go and I supported her decision) due to bullying I simply advised the attendance officer in school IN WRITING that she wouldn't be going in due to school related anxiety as a consequence of bullying in school. They arranged a meeting very quickly. There were no problems about her absence.
So sorry to hear this your son must be so unhappy +dreading school on a daily basis. 💕 School should be fun and where he enjoys learning with friends.I would for now keep him home-complaining to the head - school of governors-Loc Ed.authority. look into their bullying policy if not following take it higher to those mentioned. But meanwhile look into home schooling that could be a good option- from what I've read a great community- maybe look at home schooling kids groups if any in area- look into after school Clubs. I was bullied in late primary early secondary- all came to ahead on one occasion it was brought to attention of head teacher- he held an assembly on bullying - I then found strength to stand up.for myself and it stopped. But I know as having a daughter with complex needs inc autism may be not be as easy for him. I sent my eldest to martial arts from age of 3 had a black belt my age of 9 til 13. Wanted him to have the confidence to stand his ground in any bullying situations- as it turned out he was quite a confident +independent child anyway and nobody ever tried to bullying him- he in fact often stuck up for other kids. 😍 Hope get things sorted but generally kids bully cos they are just mean +jealous. 🥰 x
So sorry he is experiencing this. Try get him to talk about what has been happening and where possible, names and where / when events happened.
Write to the head of school, SENCo and governors with the information and asking them how they plan to follow their anti bullying and safeguarding processes to keep your son safe.
Ask for a review of the SEN support and again how they can ensure he is being supported through this, available pastoral care etc.
I would not move him schools I would personally do as you done call a meeting and get everything straightened out I would most definitely get in contact with the bullys parents also and notify them ok there all kids at the end of the day but bullying can end up so difficult to deal with once it goes passed a certain age your talking about a child been broken down before the child gets to build them selfs up and get confidence,I find it is a very delicate situation but defo needs to be addressed poor child at that age it's not nice at all I wish you all the best in this situation my step son was getting bullied by a kid older than him and got bit and kicked. I didn't handle it properly to be fair as it wasn't just our son treats were made to our house so I went to there house my actions were out of control now I'm on bail never been in trouble in my life I'm 37 years old and heading to jail by the looks of it,but the lad who was bullying our boy was big on his father's name as we found out the dad was sending his kids out to bully people,that to me and my fiance is discusting the police wouldn't let my partner press charges as there a so called dangerous family and told her to leave it 1 week layer i was arrested the father got me charged after all this drama he made up false allocations and police arrest me again, absolute madness my fiance was able to bring cctv to police when i was in custody to prove my innocence and no they simply won't bother with us we later find outbrhe father is an actual sex offender and been protected by the police 🤬and i am barred from going to school to collect our daughters and he is bullys learn from the best i feel and its either from silly friends or scum family's i hope you your family and most importantly your child get this resolved just dont react the way i did !!
I would write an email to the senco head of year, head teacher and ask what is being done to help your son. You will take further action as hate crime. Make sure you record all incidents and name of the kids
Such a shame for your boy. I truly feel this needs to be addressed with the child and his parents. My daughter was bullied and the school refused to contact her parents saying I would be wasting my time. Parents have a duty to be responsible for their kids and need to be held accountable when their child is being horrible. Yes, children fight and get into arguments but when a child is leaving physical marks on another child and leaving that child fearful of going to school, something needs done to stop the behaviour there and then. Bullies need to be held accountable for their actions. Too many excuses are made now a days and not enough is done to protect those who need to deal with these bullies everyday. At 9 years old he should be aware of his actions towards others.
Take pictures of the injuries this time. Include a rule for size.
If he will tell you who it was make a note.
I was also bullied at school. I had a physical disability. Years later the main person was married to someone my husband was a boss to. I just reminded her when we had met before!
I was bullied at work as well. The bullies upset me. Made my life hell . But I'm here now & have an empathy for those in this situation. If he will get him to make notes of what happened & who done it. If you dont get anywhere with teacher / head teacher ask to talk to the governors. If you have any other official help ask them to attend meeting
Does your child have an ehcp?? I've been throught bullying with my 16 year old. In the end I went to the governors and assistant head. I reported it with the local pcso as hate crime and would have took it further. Trouble is the mother of the other child wasn't aware of the extent of it. My son threatened to take his life I couldn't say weather he would or not. So make sure you have everything record email etc. Get your son to do an Impact statement of how he feels.