World Book Day: It's About Encouraging Reading, Not Costume Competitions!

Stefie Bell why not? Isn’t this a tips page where people are showing off there kids costumes and it gives others ideas? Or are you saying it’s more of a let’s make others feel bad for making an effort page? I know which I prefer, not every situation has to be turned into a frown, the person could have made her point without belittling the people who did make an effort.
Stefie Bell I’m sorry but in my opinion you are missing the point. If people don’t like it scroll past, it’s the ‘if you don’t have anything nice to say don’t say anything at all’ we are taught as kids. I don’t feel why on a happy page, people should belittle in any way, if the person posting wanted to make a post she could have done so without making people feel bad for making an effort. I’m the parent who didn’t make an effort and didn’t feel any worse by seeing pictures of people who did. It’s a page that helps others through and my personal opinion is this post belittles and that’s just not right. I understand not everyone will agree with my option, that’s okay too but looking at some of the comments people are being judged and quite harsh because they have a different opinion, we are all adults and can scroll past something we don’t like because people are bragging.
February 21st my sons school sent out a ping so we didn't have very long and my next payday was on world book day
Some don't have months warning to prepare
( I forget about world book day coming up is it the same date every year?? )
For next year, have a single pinned post where everyone can show off their creations. Keeps it contained rather than clogging the place up for days. And you can actively chose to see it or avoid it.
Same goes for whatever the flavour of the week is. Hot Chocolate stations, Christmas Eve boxes, Dyson spheres made of Henry Hoover's etc
Why can’t we all just accept we have different lives, different budgets but at the end of the day our kids are our priorities and whether that means a fantastic home made costume a bought one or one put together with what’s available it doesn’t matter as pretty sure the kids all had a good day regardless and the point of the day is reading, books and immersing the world of imagination. It’s not about the parents/carers it’s about the kids. Why does it have to escalate into a judgemental conversation casting dispersions on others lives that we have no clue about - what happened to “be kind”.
I have no issue with your post sweetie yeah for the folk that made, bought even done world book day and yeah for the folk who couldn’t afford it, aren’t arty, totally forgot or just made the decision that they didn’t have the time or energy. Healthy parent/carer = healthy child. As you say as long as you read or foster a love of reading in your child that is all that matters and if they enjoy the pictures and they talk about the book all the same. Love the tip during lockdown where folk put the subtitles on paw patrol and away you go lol 😂 let’s hold each other up people no need to knock each other the world is a hard enough place the now. ❤️❤️
@jenpil they can stick it where the monkey puts his nuts. They bang in about being kind then try bringing people down whose best, is different to someone else’s best 😂 I’m sick of them 😂😂
Wait, so by bringing it all up again AFTER a week of debate about it, which will inevitably trigger hundreds of negative comments again, you think you're being helpful or supportive?!
Good or bad parenting isnt measured by world book day costumes- nobody believes it is. We can't live in a world where people are criticised or berated for making an effort for fear that those who can't or dont feel bad about themselves, just as we shouldnt judge an absence of effort or budget as it's none of our business. Its okay to share something we are proud of that our children are proud of. Normalise that. IT IS NOT A REFLECTION ON ANYBODY ELSE.
Unfortunately some people don’t have the time and others don’t have the means. Those of us who don’t have the time (I was away with work) but reassure our kids that the important thing is the reading not the dressing up hopefully help those kids whose parents don’t have the means not to be the only ones without good costumes.