So because of individual shame or u feeling personally inferior at other people finding space & time to create something, generally because we can't afford the spend money on outfits for 1 day! We NOW Have to be Shamed!! An not allowed show no proudness for our achievements! Everybody can find time!!! Less time in front of screens- an there's your time! Making something whilst watching TV in the evening! There's your time! The engery comes from.. Are my kids worth it!!! ... Wow!! Entitled much! I made mine due to no money, an proud! So where my kids! Not our fault u feel shame/guilt, or maybe coz you could of done more yourself If u wanted to but as u clearly didn't now Projecting blame onto strangers/ others so we feel sorry for you!
Did ya kids wear something? If yes! Then just allow others to do what they want, an you do u, an leave the god act with the powers that be.
1 thing we can agree on is world book day is about encouraging reading, not TV shows. An out of a few there are many of us including myself that wanted to making the actual character they wanted, not what the shops can provide, that way I know what there favourite books at the time, as we read every night, can be tricky to keep up, we/they are so happy an lucky I can create something unique for them. Asked Bk in January for them to pick a book so I had plenty of time to make time to make it.. Not All creators are the same. Alot of us hide our work because for these exact statements you make.