Our school told us 2 days before what they where doing for world book day so didn't have the time to go buy anything so 2 wore pyjamas and 1 wore a costume he already had x
@ady2015 well done to him mine couldn’t give a fig, problem is it looks like I’ve not bothered I spend about a week beforehand trying to convince him, we nearly got there last year, but he refused last minute and so now if he says no from the outset I hear him
@adalia20 this was my son on Thursday, he has autism and chose to go into school in his uniform tbh just wasn't worth the meltdown! Pick Battles wisely and that wasn't gunna be a battle in my eyes xxx
@adalia20my boy doesn't like dressing up either. He likes the idea of it but then he puts something on and it's tight or itchy or makes him "feel icky" so he wore jeans and a top and said that he was harry potter but not in his wizard robes he was happy, I was happy, no one died.
@adalia20 yup, my daughter just grabbed her uniform and said this is what she was wearing. I have another who dressed up as a teacher saying she was dressed as the one who taught people to read (missed the brief but who cares, she had her photo lanyard and clipboard and was very happy lol) so I joked with my uniformed child that she was dressed as the one learning to read and she fixed me with a stare (very good at saying lots with a look lol) and said "No. I can read. I am not "going as" anything". And hat off to her, she managed to make it through four days of school despite all the disruption due to WBD. I am all for the fun - my eldest (autistic) is in secondary and misses dressing up, but it is nice to see the posts from both sides.
@thomaswhitetw it has a bit, especially when the kids aren't even wearing book character costumes. Buying books is definitely a better use of resources! There's nothing better for making kids love books than reading with a parent/loved one.
My kids school don't dress up for world book day for all those reasons- this year they asked for a story box from recycled stuff at home - the kids loved making then and it was still book focused - win win
@nicolecham spot on. Too many people wasting energy worrying about what others are doing. Why can't people just concentrate on their own family. Not everything has to be a big issue. Couldn't give a shit if kids go to school in costumes that have taken weeks to make, or they go in uniform because they don't like dressing up. Why can't people just let others get on with it in their own way without writing a bloody Facebook post about it